How to Measure Melting Point in Quality Control?

How to Measure Melting Point in Quality Control?

Measuring the melting point of a substance is a critical quality control (QC) test in pharmaceuticals, as it helps to identify the substance and determine its purity. Here’s how melting point is typically measured in QC: Methods for Measuring Melting Point Equipment Used Procedure Calculations Reporting Results Regulatory Requirements Read also: Resource Person: Dhruv Jayswal

Biopharmaceutics MCQs | Part-4

Biopharmaceutics MCQs | Part-4

Biopharmaceutics is the study of the effects of physicochemical properties of the drug and the drug product, in vitro, on the bioavailability of the drug, in vivo, to produce a desired therapeutic effect. Here we design a quiz test containing 25 MCQs on biopharmaceutics. It will help you to prepare for competitive exams or interviews….

How to Develop a Dissolution Method?

How to Develop a Dissolution Method?

A logical five-step approach mentioned below for dissolution method development: 1. Conduct a Solubility TestBegin by assessing the solubility of the product’s maximum daily dose in various media. This establishes a foundational understanding of the product’s solubility profile. 2. Select Dissolution MediaBased on the solubility data, determine the appropriate dissolution media volume and pH. Ensure…

Major Pharmacy Courses | Diploma to Doctoral Level

Major Pharmacy Courses | Diploma to Doctoral Level

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm.) A graduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy. In many countries, this degree serves as a prerequisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist. This programs cover a wide range of subjects, including: pharmacognosy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacy law, physiology, anatomy, biochemistry. Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) A four-year entry…

Branches of Pharmacy and Their Functions

Branches of Pharmacy and Their Functions

There are different branches of pharmacy where a trained pharmacist may work. This includes: 1. Community pharmacy 2. Hospital pharmacy 3. Clinical pharmacy 4. Industrial pharmacy 5. Compounding pharmacy 6. Consulting pharmacy 7. Ambulatory care pharmacy 8. Regulatory pharmacy 9. Home care pharmacy There are various other specializations in the field of pharmacy. Each of…